Monday 5 March 2012

The Story Of Uglies By:Kyle Cote


-Peer Blog Responses @ Very Bottom-

Hello, My name is Kyle Cote, the book that I have chosen to read for this blog writing assignment is Uglies, a novel by Scott Westerfeld.

Scott Westerfeld-About The Author

Scott Westerfeld is the author of 18 novels, 5 of them written for adults and the other 13 written for young adults. 

Uglies, Westerfelds most famous novels is part of a trilogy Uglies, Pretties and Specials, as well as companion novel called Extras.

Scott Westerfeld is a native of Texas but now splits his time equally between New York City and Sydney Australia

The latest  book set by him is called the Leviathan trilogy, a new twist on the story of WW1.

Section 1

Uglies, a book with a demographic  targeted towards teens is a sweeping and turbulent tale about a 15 year old girl named Tally Youngblood living in a futuristic environment where people are divided into two distinct  social groups, Uglies ,prior to the age of 16 and then after 16 when they  become Pretties. The heroine Tally is forced to make a tough choice between ruining her best friend's happiness and never realizing her own. I think that the author chose a great title for this book because this story is told from an uglie's point of view, he did the same thing for his sequel of this book, Pretties 

The story, full of betrayal and intregue, is told from both a third person perspective and a first person point of view. The author uses sentences such as
(pg.#61) "The two friends slid between the ruined buildings, riding high and silent as if not to disturb the ghosts of the dead city"

(pg.#49) "Come on. I've been wanting to show you this since we met. Since you told me you crashed a pretty party- and pulled a fire alarm!"

Westerfeld formatted this story in many small sub-parts and 3 main parts.
This book was a enjoyable and interesting read and I would highly recommend it to anybody who enjoys a futuristic, tragic/love story style of book.

This is a video about Scott Westerfeld discussing his new story, "Extras" also in this video he talks about his other stories in the series. He talks about where he got his inspiration and how his friends helped him out with some of the ideas displayed in his stories.

New Cover Design


Section 2

The dystopian society in this story is a society where people are treated by either an Ugly or Pretty standard.
If you are an ugly, than you get disrespected and denied the fun opportunities of a Pretty lifestyle.
On the other hand, if you are a Pretty then you get respect and the freedom to do whatever you want. Later on in the story you will find out that becoming a Pretty has its  dark down-side. The bad part about becoming Pretty is that you are not allowed to see your old friends anymore, you are forced to make new ones, your old friends are just too ugly!. That leads me to my next point, the pre-Pretties are only told about the procedure that effects the way that you look, they are not told about what the operation does to their minds.

From what I have read in this story I think that the author based the concept of Pretties and Uglies around the theme of racism, sexism and inequality. I think this because the Uglies do not get to do the things that the Pretties do because they are ugly. In this story, society places a higher value on the Pretties which leaves Uglies feeling like second class citizens.

 I feel the author chose to do this topic because it is a very relevant subject in today's society and some people could maybe relate to the ideas and prejudiced described in this book. This novel is a very effective way to demonstrate the negative effects of racism, sexism, inequality and bias to  teens  because teenagers in today's society can relate to this stories message as the idea of ugly vs pretty is demonstrated in almost all types of media targeted towards teens on a daily basis. I think that the authors message is that in the modern society everybody is beautiful in their own way, they are just being categorized and told that they are not pretty enough by a society that is setting a unrealistic ideal of beauty. I think that Westerfeld gets this message to the reader quite clearly by making the Uglies so desperate to become pretty at last at any cost just to feel accepted in their world.

These are Some of the injustices that the author is trying to describe by showing the different lifestyles of the Uglies and the Pretties.

  • The Uglies have the ability to be them selves.
  • The Uglies are forced to work and get an education.
  • The Uglies are regular and intelligent people.
  • The Uglies get strongly judged and hated by the Pretties.
  • The Uglies receive no respect from anybody.
  • The Uglies are brought up in a harsh way but given the skills to be independent and successful.


  • The Pretties  get a choice of what they wear but not think what they want as the government makes their choices for them.
  • The Pretties are not forced to work or get an education, they get to party all the time.
  • The Pretties had been Uglies once but the operation makes them stupid and shallow.-The Pretties do not get judged or receive hatred because they are all basically the same.
  • The Pretties are respected because they are higher in status than the Uglies.
  • Pretties never receive to skills to be independent and self sustaining as they rely on machines and other people to do their work for them.

Section 3


I chose this picture because it represents the forest in which the old Rusties used to live. I liked this photo because it really shows that the Smokies and Rusties are very alone and isolated. I think that Shay really wanted to get out of the big city and come to a more peaceful and relaxing place and this photo is a perfect example of what Scott Westerfeld was writing about. Having a picture to go along with parts of the story is very helpful and makes the story even better because you get a visual to enhance the words of the  story that the author is writing about. When a picture is not present with a story it is harder to understand what exactly the author is writing about, it sometimes makes the reader have to guess. A picture says a thousand words...

I selected this picture because it represents Shay hating David for not liking her anymore and falling in love with Tally. In the story  Shay accuses  Tally of ruining her life. This image showcases the intensity of this point of the story where Shay gets her boy-friend stolen by a girl that she thought was her friend, having a picture in moments like these make a story much more understandable and interesting when you can see the emotions of the characters.

I included this picture because it represents New Pretty Town the way it's described in the book full of brightness and awesome parties. I think that when Westerfeld wrote this story he envisioned New Pretty Town as a city where all they do is have fun. This picture makes me realize why the Uglies wanted to become pretty so much, this city looks like the best place for a teenager ever.
I think that having a visual for the description of New Pretty Town is very effective because the reader can see and feel how alive, this place is which helps the reader fully understand what Scott Westerfeld is describing in his words

I chose to create this picture because it represent Tally's hatred for spagbol, Scott Westerfeld implemented  this hatred of spagbol many times in the story. Although I am not a girl, I imagine that this part in the story might look similar to this picture. This picture is a perfect example to get to know the characters even more, the reader is able to find out certain, personal things about a character and having a picture along side makes it even better.

Pictures Taken From:
Spagbol Picture- This photo was taken by me in my own backyard with my Canon Rebel T3.

Progression To Pretty:

  • This is a list representing the journey that Tally took during this novel, the events are in chronological order.
  • Tally is living in Uglyville
  • Tally decides to visit Peris 
  • Tally is now at the party in New Pretty Town
  • Tally is leaving New Pretty Town when she meets Shay
  • Shay shows Tally what a hoverboard is and they go back to Uglyville
  • Tally learns how to hoverboard fairly quickly and Shay wants to show her The Rusty Ruins
  • Tally and Shay sneak out of Uglyville and hoverboard through the forest until they reach the ruins
  • Tally and Shay hoverboard at the ruins for a while and then they head back to Uglyville
  • Shay tells Tally about wanting to meet her friend David at The Smoke.
  • Tally stays in Uglyville until her 16th birthday and then her operation gets cancelled because Shay ran away.
  • Special Circumstances makes a deal with Tally to lead them to the smoke.
  • Tally goes on a mission to find The Smoke by following clues in the form of a poem that Shay gave to her.
  • Tally ventures through the forest and stumbles across the Rangers burning the evasive weed.
  • The Rangers bring Tally to The Smoke
  • Tally does not want to ruin the lives of the people at The Smoke by revealing the civilizations location to Special Circumstances.
  • Tally tries to destroy her tracking device by burning it but that sets it off.
  • Special Circumstances arrives and takes the Smokies back to Uglyville where they are imprisoned. 
  • Tally arrives at Uglyville and rescues the Smokies.
  • Shay and Tally are walking down a street in Uglyville when a warden questions them and Tally replies with, “Make me pretty”
  • Tally ends up in the operation room.
  • She then becomes pretty and is currently living in New Pretty Town.


Section 4


Characters: Tally, Shay, Peris, David

Journal Entry #1:Tally


I miss Peris, it has been 24 days since he turned 16 and became pretty, 24 days of nobody to brighten my mood while being treated like this. I bet he is thinking about me right now...well I hope so. I cant bare waiting until my birthday, what a sweet 16 that will be. What if he found someone else to make laugh? What if he forgets about me? That cant be, we have been friends since we were just littles, you cant just end a friendship like that, can you? Now that I think about it, I might just sneak into New Pretty Town to see him and let him know that I am still his best friend.

Why does he have to be older than me? I should be there with him, having fun! Instead I have to go to school without any friends to talk to. I need to see Peris soon. If I get caught sneaking out of Uglyville I may never become pretty. I need to think of a plan to get across safely. I will sneak out tomorrow night while the my fellow Uglies are all sleeping and New Pretty Town is having their huge parties, all of the guards will be occupied with the drunken pretty shenanigans, it is perfect. Tomorrow night will see Peris!

Journal Entry#1:Tally (Response)

This journal entry is about Tally's frustration  about her best friend Peris becoming a Pretty and leaving Tally behind. Tally is very eager to see Peris again since she has not seen him for almost a month. Tally's emotions tell her to visit her friend even if that means never becoming pretty. This kind of frustrating drama happens every day to kids, teens and adults. I chose do this entry on the character: Tally because she is the main character in this novel and this is a defining moment of the story where the reader learns just how much of a risk Tally is willing to take just to see her best childhood friend.

 The ideas displayed in this journal entry could very well happen in real life. In this story Tally can not read so she has a device that uses her emotions to write a story. While writing this journal entry I kept the idea of flowing emotions and writing whatever comes to mind in the back if my head and that is how I wrote a journal entry in this style. 

Journal Entry#2:Shay


Tally has been going on about pretty this and pretty that, it seems that that is the only thing on her mind. She keeps on telling me how she is sooo ugly and her life would be complete if she became a pretty. To be honest I think that Tally is over exaggerating the whole pretty thing, I think that Tally looks perfectly fine the way she is. I don 't understand why she thinks that she is too fat and too ugly for the world. 

I honestly could care less and especially after what I heard about this, "life changing operation". Apparently be pretty isn't all that good. David says that it changes the people. I certainly don't want to change at all, people like me the way I am. I think that Tally needs to visit The Smoke with me, to visit David and see what real human beings are.

Journal Entry#2:Shay (Response)

This journal entry is about Shay being unsure about Tally over reacting to the thought of becoming pretty. Shay has heard rumors that becoming pretty is not all that it is supposed to be. Shay realizes that her future may not to become a pretty but to run away to the smoke where everything is normal and civilized.

This entry is very important as it depicts Shay's choice that will decide her fate. Shay has no interest in becoming pretty, she would much rather run away to The Smoke where her and David could live a happy life. 

Journal Entry#3:David

I Don't Know What To Do!

I don't know what to do! Every since Tally came to The Smoke things have been different. Shay has taken on a whole new personality, she seems mad all the time and I have no idea what to think of it. Also Tally is being extremely open and nice to everybody here, she seems a little too open. She is cute but I don't think that she likes me and I don't want to say anything to her because I barely know her. 

She seems concerned about something but I can't figure out what it is,Tally seems to always be looking around as if she is waiting for someone to arrive. What do I know? Maybe I should be looking around for things as well because, you know, we are are living here illegally. Maybe I am just paranoid, maybe I should be.

I can't even imagine if Special Circumstances found out that we are living here, if we are lucky enough to escape then we can rebuild, but that could destroy our civilization forever. 

Journal Entry#3:David(Response)

This entry is about David being unsure about Tally. He likes her but he does not want to make any moves because that could ruin his friendship with Shay. This entry is important because it depicts the beginning of a conflict between Tally and Shay. David also notices that Tally seems unsure and nervous about somthing

 David likes Tally but Shay thinks that Tally is stealing David from her. Later on Shay accuses Tally of ruining her life. This entry is a perfect example of how something so small and innocent can become something that can change the way people think about and respect you. This theme is a perfect example of what happens everyday in society, love is a powerful thing that can change people.

Journal Entry#4:Peris

The New Life.

New Pretty Town is like a whole new planet or an amusement park that never closes! Everything is different here. Everything is done for us and we get to do, whatever! And the parties every night, it is like they are training us to not sleep. There is always something going on. This place is like a dream that I never want to wake from.

 I have met some very interesting people, like Adrian, who apparently had to get his operation done twice because of something to do with his arm, I don't know. The girls here are crazy, it seems that all they want to do is flirt with us boys, especially Brittany, I am definitely not complaining. This is exactly how I imagined this place to be! I love it here! Being 16 is amazing, pretty is soooo much better than ugly.

I can't even begin to explain how this place compares with our old residence, even the people are better. I cannot imagine still living in Uglyville, life is so dull there.

Journal Entry#4:Peris(Response)

This entry is about Peris moving from Uglyville and living in New Pretty Town and he loves it. Peris is very overwhelmed by everything that he encounters here. Everything is different that Uglyville. Peris does not understand that the people are just stupid, he thinks that everything is nomal, but in reality all of the friendships and flirting is modified.

I tried to write this entry in a way that makes Peris seem shallow, I accomplished this by not mentioning Tally at all in his entry. He does not care about the his ugly friends anymore, that is just another side effect of becoming pretty.  



"Make me pretty"

This quotation is an extremely important part of this story because everything that Tally did for Special Circumstances finally pays off as she gets to become a pretty at last!. This is an interesting way to end a book because it makes the reader very eager to read the next story in the series, I imagine that Scott Westerfeld implemented the same style of ending in the rest of his books. 

Text To Self

This style of ending with a quote like this reminds me of when I had really wanted a new skateboard and my parents made me do chores and earn money until I could afford to buy that skateboard. Eventually I had earned enough money to buy the board and when we went on vacation I bought the new skateboard that I really wanted. This relates to Tally's Situation because Tally really wanted to become a pretty so that she could see her life long friend 
Peris and reap the benefits of a pretty lifestyle. Special Circumstances makes a deal with Tally that she must go to The Smoke and return with her run-away friend Shay, if she succeeded she would become pretty. Tally really wanted to become pretty more than anything so she accepted and completed her assignment and became pretty. 

Text To World

This quotation reminds  me of Oprah Winfrey who had always wanted to be a television host but everybody told her that she was too fat and too black for television, she was treated as if she were an Ugly. Oprah never listened to what anyone said about her and after all of the hard work that she has put into her career she has become one of the most famous people in television. Her charitable work and generosity has earned her the reputation of not on one of the richest but also considered one of the most beautiful women in the world. This relates to Tally's situation because like Tally, Oprah had a desire to fulfill her dream and was not discouraged by the negativity of others around her. 

Text To Text

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."
-Henry David Thoreau
Quote Taken From

This quotation relates to the theme of the text in the story perfectly because it is saying to follow your dream and if you do you will live the life that you imagined, this relates to Tally's situation because she wanted to become pretty more than anything and that was her dream. Tally was asked to complete a assignment given to her by Special Circumstances and she completed it. This also relates to Oprah for the same reasons of having a dream to be something that you desire more than anything and doing anything to get there.


"Best friends forever"

This quotation is from the part of the story where Tally sneaks out of Uglyville and into New Pretty Town to meet with her best friend named Peris. Peris was a little bit older than Tally, so he was a pretty. Tally had not seen Peris for over a month and she was getting eager to ask him all about the pretty lifestyle. If an ugly were to be seen at a pretty party they would get in a lot of trouble and probably never allowed to become a pretty. That is an amazing risk that Tally would take to see her best friend. When Tally finally finds Peris in this wild pretty party, he seems totally different. Peris has changed into a shallow guy that Tally does not know. This quote represents this part of the story because It shows the excitement and fear in Tally.

Text To Self

This quotation reminds me of when me and my friend Chris were great childhood friends(littlies) and when we were getting older we had gotten into a fight and neither he nor  our parents spoke to each other for 4 years. Finally this year I went to visit my friend and I had the same "Best friends forever" moment before I saw him, we are friends again now. This relates to Tally's situation because she had not seen her great childhood friend for while and she was unsure if she was doing the right thing. Tally really wanted to see Peris so Tally snuck over to New Pretty Town to visit.

Text To World

This quote relates to the theme of not seeing people for a period of time. An example of something like this could be a soldier who has been away fighting in another country for many months or even years returning home to see their wives and families. The span of time without communication and the effects of a war can really change a person. Both parties would more than likely have butterflies before seeing each other.

Text To Text

Lime Tree- Coner Oberst

"When I hear beautiful music,its always from another time.
Old friends I never visit, I remember what they're like.
Standing on a doorstep full of nervous buterflies.
Waiting to be asked to come inside.
Just come inside"

Lyrics Taken From

This quotation relates to the theme of "best friends forever" because this quote talks about the nervousness that people feel when meeting old friends that they haven't spoken to each other for a while. This relates to Tally's situation because she was very lonely in Uglyville after her friend Peris had turned 16. Tally was unsure if Peris still wanted to be friends with her. Tally left Uglyville to go and visit Peris in New Pretty Town and she got nervous before confronting Peris.


"We have a tiny problem,Tally"

This quotation is probably one of the most important lines in the story because it is the exact moment that Tally's life makes a catastrophic u-turn. Tally is informed that her operation to become pretty has been canceled because her friend Shay has run away from Uglyville and is heading towards The Smoke. Special Circumstances believes that Tally know`s the whereabouts of The Smoke. Tally is told that she can not receive her life changing opertion unless she reveals the ever-secret location of The Smoke. At this point, the story takes on a very serious theme that Tally never saw coming.

Text To Self

Although, I have never experienced anything quite like the choices that Tally is forced to make, I can only imagine that it would be similar to living you care-free childhood and then finding out that your little brother has a rare bone-marrow disease and can only be saved by a giving him some of your own. Just like Tally a decision this difficult has very extremely limited choices.

Text To World

On the evening of the 15th of April 1912 for most of the passengers aboard the R.M.S Titanic, the biggest decision that night was supposed to be, what to eat for dinner and what to wear. But after a collision with an iceberg, the most important question of the evening quickly  became, "How can I save myself?, How can I help other people?" This relates to the novel because like Tally, the people aboard the Titanic had experienced a life changing event that changed the direction of their lives forever. 

Text To Text

“Some choices we live not only once but a thousand times over, remembering them for the rest of our lives.”

-Richard Bach

Quote Taken From

This quote relates to Tally's extreme situation because it is saying that if you make a good choice or a bad choice, the thought of it will stay with you a thousand times over. This relates to Tally situation where she must make a extreme and life changing decision by either loosing her ability to become pretty or compromising all of the Uglies living their happy lives at The Smoke.  


"Oh,yeah. It's not that I didn't like them. I just couldn't."

This quote is about Tally arriving at The Smoke and meeting the infamous David and they fall for each other. Later on David gives Tally a pair of his leather work gloves. Tally loves the gloves and wears them around. Shay also adores David and when she sees Tally with the gloves she thinks that Tally is stealing David from her. Shay has been making Tally fell stressed out and awkward. Tally returns the gloves to David and explains how it does not feel right to keep the gloves.

Text To Self

This theme is one that I have not yet experienced, but I can understand the emotions that Tally is experiencing. Tally's conscience is bothering her and she is feeling very guilty for betraying her friend  Shay, not only because of David but of her whole mission to The Smoke and how Tally is there to ruin the lives of The Smokies by relieving their location to Special Circumstances.

Text To World

This quote relates to an event where a man from Virginia  had fraudulently claimed a lottery win when in fact he had a inside source in the lottery ticket retailer. Making his odds of winning perfect. After claiming his prize he had received so much press attention about what his winnings that his conscience started to get the better of him and he eventually returned his winnings because his guilt became too much for him to bare. This relates to Tally's situation because Tally could not accept David's work gloves as a gift because all of the guilt that comes along with them. 

Text To Text

 Conscience is a man's compass. 

 Vincent Van Gogh

Quote Taken From

In this case the quote is, "Conscience is a woman's compass". This quote relates to the text because Tally's conscience told her to return Davids gift back to him. Her conscience acted as her compass and gave her direction.


1. Rusties-The Rusties were an old civilization that used fossil fuels to power their city, the people of the modern society (Uglies and Pretties) now resent The Rusties for destroying the environment.

 "They have still got technology. And they are not like the Rusties, burning trees and stuff".

2. Smokies-The Smokies are the citizens of a society called The Smoke. The Smokies are all run-aways who refuse to become pretty, The Smoke is a very low-tech area where people live of the land and hoverboard. The Smokies focus on living a simple and peaceful lives without caring about how people look.

 "She imagined the Smokies, helplessly awaiting their fate, making one last gesture of defiance"

3. Bubbly-Bubbly is a feeling of adrenalin and excitement experienced around things or people that you like or breaking riules, you might feel perky and energetic when feeling bubbly. 

"That was an awesome trick! I'm feeling so bubbly right now!"

4. Pretties-Pretties are people who have turned 16 and have been given the opportunity to undergo an operation that will make them become extremely beautiful. The Pretties are also given the opportunity to take place in the amazing parties that are held in New Pretty Town each night. The operation includes: teeth replacement, new moulded bones, new skin, new eyes, hair and new emotions.
Pretties become shallow and loose their personal traits. When Pretties become bubbly their ugly side begins to show.

"The mansion was full of brand- new Pretties-the worst kind, Peris always used to say. They lived like Uglies, a 100 or so together in a big dorm. But this dorm didn't have any rules. Unless the rules were Act Stupid, Have Fun and Make Noise."

5.Uglies-The Uglies are people who are under the age of 16 that are treated like diseases. No ugly is allowed to step foot out of their town or else they will never be allowed to become a pretty. The Uglies are people with imperfections that make them different from a, "normal" person.

 "Of course Tally was nothing here. Worse, she was ugly."

Peer Response For Two Blogs:

1. Beauty Lies In The Eyes Of The Beholder
By: Avel Ivanov
Book: Uglies

This is a fun and very intriguing blog, I really enjoyed reading your perception on the idea of pretty. I liked the way that you portrayed the idea of pretty as being bogus. You said that true beauty is on the inside and that a person does not have the right to judge a person based on their appearance. My favorite part of your blog is when you explained that in the society of today, personality and traits are forgotten. You have a great point, you said that in today's society that, "Who you are doesn’t really matter anymore as long as you are beautiful." I also really enjoyed your visual illustrations especially the one that you took the time to draw yourself, the message in this picture is very clear and relates relates to the story very effectively.  Your grammar and spelling was good and I really enjoy your style of writing.

I had a fun time reading this blog, I think that you did a great job and I hope that you get a good mark that reflects your effort. :) :) :) keep up the good work. -Kyle